Has ChatGPT impacted Killer Papers essay writing service?

December 27, 2024
KP Team

What’s up, guys. KP here, owner and founder of KillerPapers.org. I started Killer Papers in 2016, which means it’s been over 8 years now since I launched the business on Instagram! It’s been quite a ride. 

Everyone wants to know - how has ChatGPT impacted Killer Papers?

The truth? It’s been a big deal! And it got really scary for awhile when EVERYONE was saying that ChatGPT was going to kill my business. But things have stabilized, and I’m confident in saying we’re not going anywhere. Here’s why.

First, while ChatGPT is a great tool for writing and ideas, it’s pretty easy for teachers to detect it at this point. There are tools like GPTzero.me to detect AI content called AI detectors. This has honestly been a HUGE help for Killer Papers, as teachers and professors have began embracing AI detectors big time. 

Even though AI detectors aren’t perfect, and there are AI humanizers to bypass AI detectors like or Undetectable AI, thousands of customers continue to visit Killer Papers because they want peace of mind, a great customer experience and the best quality. 

We’ve began giving out free AI detection reports for first-time customers and we also offer video reports for a small fee that show the writing process for additional peace of mind. On top of that, my writing team have all signed a pledge and agreed to not use AI irresponsibly. They CAN use it responsibly, for things like generating ideas or outlines to get started or even for source-finding, but they cannot turn in any AI content. 

The good news? As my writers use AI to save some time, we have passed those time savings onto customers in the form of lower pricing. Overall, we are now offering lower rates because of AI, and doing more work. Pretty cool, right?

The future

Ai is rapidly changing and it’s hard to predict what the future of education will look like. But for the coming years, I plan to continue to use AI to save time writing and in-turn, lower our prices, all while committing to delivering 100% human work to clients every time. I hope you all understand - AI is not going to kill Killer Papers, neither will AI humanizers, AI detectors or anything else!

Everyone said AI would kill my business, but two years after ChatGPT, we are still here and I honestly don’t think we’re going anywhere. Not anytime soon, at least. 

Thanks for your support guys, have a great winter break!

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